Discussing CAA with motivated logics
After four years, the Citizenship Amendment Bill was passed in the Parliament, the Union home ministry has notified the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) placing into effect across Bharat. Now the concerned individuals can apply for Indian citizenship under the provisions included in the CAA. The beneficiaries include a few thousands of persecuted Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain, Christian, etc nationals from Muslim majority countries namely Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan, who came before 31 December 2014. Though the provision will only give citizenship to those people, who entered Bharat ten years back, the anti-national elements are crying foul over the development claiming that it would impact the Muslims of Bharat. But the patriotic citizens supported the government move since the days of anti-CAB movement. The forums of nationalist citizens argued that Assam had already taken a burden of Illegal Bangladeshi citizens (who had entered the State within 1951 to 1971) with the provisions of Assam Accord, signed between the All Assam Students’ Union (also Asom Gana Sangram Parishad) and concerned bureaucrats in New Delhi in presence of the then Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi even though he did not sign. However, was it a correct initiative as how come a nation can have two cut-off dates to identify the illegal migrants (meaning 1971 for Assam and 1951 for the rest of India) ? The people of Assam are now waiting for the Supreme Court verdict over the issue as Asom Sanmilita Mahasangha had already approached the apex court for a directive. But the question that arises is, how come the AASU leaders now raise voices against the CAA where only a limited number of persecuted Bangladeshi, Pakistani and Afghan nationals will get the opportunity to apply for Indian citizenship. We must not forget that hundreds of thousands of undivided India joined the freedom movement and many sacrificed their lives. But when the country got independence from the British colonial forces it was divided into two factions. So eventually the Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain, Christian etc nationals became the citizens of an Islamic republic, which was not their dream. Later they had to face numerous atrocities only because of their religious identities. The CAA does give justice to those families after decades. It will never be a threat to Indian Muslims as no rights of them will be taken away.
Records say, under the Nehru-Liaquat Pact, both sides agreed that people from minority
communities would be given equality like the majority. Their freedom of occupation, expression, and worship will also be ensured. This promise was made to the minorities but in Pakistan people were prevented from even contesting the elections! Their numbers kept on decreasing, whereas in India the minorities were protected and there have been minorities in many high positions like President, Vice President, SC Chief Justice, etc.
Those opposing the law focus only on why Muslims are not being brought. Will your secularism be based only on Muslims? But in reality, this law does not mean secularism or based on any one religion! Provision has been made in this law for those who are being tortured on religious grounds in neighboring countries. Efforts have been made to solve the problem of such people by giving them Indian citizenship. Under the new laws, the refugees can admit without fear that yes, they are refugees, give us citizenship and the government will give them citizenship. Even the right to equality enshrined in Article 14 does not prevent us from making such laws which are based on reasonable classification. There is a
reasonable classification here. There is no provision for a particular religion in the law. This is for all the minorities in the three countries who are persecuted based on religion. Special attention was given to various north-eastern States as New Delhi clarified that Article 371 in the region will not be touched by the CAA rules. The government assured that the provision will not be removed from anywhere in the country. Moreover, New Delhi committed to protect the culture of Assam at any cost. What more the indigenous people in the far eastern part of Bharat should expect from the centre !