New Delhi. NIA on Tuesday field a supplementary chargesheet against three accused, including two absconders, in a case relating to the seizure of drones, explosive materials and a Lathe machine from cadres of the banned Communist Party of India (Maoist) in Cherla, Telangana.
NIA had earlier chargesheeted eight accused in August 2023 in the case relating to funding by CPI (Maoist) for the purchase of the various arms and equipment to spy on, and attack security forces.
In its first supplementary chargesheet filed before the NIA Special Court, Nampally, the anti-terror agency has charged arrested accused, Kamla, a Maoist cadre, along with absconding underground cadres, Hidma and Bade Chokka Rao @ Damodar. They have been charged under section 120B of IPC, sections 17, 18, 20, 38, 39, 40 of UA(P) Act, and section 4 of Explosive Substances Act.
Kamla and other accused were arrested while attempting to deliver the explosives and other items to the Maoists, who had financed the purchase of a drilling machine and lathe machine in order to make firearms, drones for keeping surveillance on the security forces, and explosives for attacking security personnel.
NIA, which had filed its original chargesheet on 1st December 2023, is continuing with its further investigations in the case.