Malappuram. A set of DYFI goons came as a procession and started sloganeering in front of RSS shakha that was going on at Kottakkal Shiva Temple premises. The swayamsevaks ignored the provocation and continued the Sakha activities which ended with the Prarthana as usual. The slogans as below were very provocative and threatening.
“This is just a warning. If you don’t learn from this, limbs will be broken and thrown into the near-by stream.” roared the protestors.
The police present there turned mute spectators.
The Shakha is conducted in the Temple premise owned by a private Trust. The Trustee Manager came to the spot and informed the Police that it was with his prior permission that the Shakha is conducted there.
The RSS Karyakartas has filed a complaint in the Police Station regarding the incident. They also expressed their feeling that the act was part of Communist policy of Muslim appeasement in a Hindu Minority district like Malappuram in Kerala.