25 June democracy’s black day: #you are in removing democracy from the clutches of ̔ātakāla. S. S. Contribution of
A brief mention of the background of emergency implementation is necessary. Then the great warrior of revolutionary freedom struggle jai prakash narayan had started the movement in the aegis of the lok sangharsh samiti with the rise of the entire revolution against the corruption, government administrative durāvasthā, etc. Which was limited to Bihar, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh. Was.
But it is Congress, socialist party, Indian Lokdal, c. F. The ideological support of d and became etc was received. Then, a senior Congress leader, kr̥ṣṇakānta, felt the need to make this movement countrywide, told the Jana Sangh Leader Atal Bihari Vajpayee to give active support to the struggle. S. S. Convince the leadership because this order only r. S. S. The organization can complete it.
It was just in the middle that Indira Gandhi suddenly implemented an emergency on the night of June 25, 1975, in the news papers, and r. S. S. Including the thousands of leaders and workers of all anti-parties including misa and d. I. R. As arrested under law. On July 4th. S. S. But also banned. The Immediate reason to implement emergency by Indira Gandhi was an unprecedented rally in the ramlila ground of Delhi on 25 June in which millions of people joined. This has shaken Indira Gandhi and implemented an emergency after a few hours of the rally.
Started from here in anti emergency struggle r. S. S. The active contribution of if it was not, maybe real democracy would not have been restored decades.
On the night of 25th June, the whisper of the emergency was implemented, Jai Prakash Narayan was in front of his arrest. S. S. The Senior Preacher Nanaji Deshmukh was given the right to take care of the secretary of lok sangharsh samiti and every necessary action against emergency.
All parties were not able to exist due to the arrest of the emergency and the arrest of thousands of activists of anti-parties. Along with the public, panic was spread. In the leadership of nana ji deshmukh r. S. S. By staying underground with millions of volunteers, there was a contact system in the country, increased the morale of the public and to reach all the news people of the conflict by the lok Sangh Committee, intelligence news bulletin has been raided and distributed in the country and ineffective the stopcensorship across the country. .
In a nutshell r. S. S. The contribution of the contribution can be guessed by these facts that the night of June 25 and the next few weeks in r. S. S. About 76 thousand volunteers and officers of misa and d. I. I. Caught under and 80 thousand volunteers arrested in the satyagraha in November 1975
70 due to the afflictions of the volunteer administration, the jail was broken in the jail or after a few days of release, it was settled. The verification of the fact was made in 1977 after the end of emergency, the public party government formed in the shah commission report about the investigation of emergency by which all parties and r. S. S. The arrested members were 60 % Union workers.