The NIA has launched raids in seven states, including Tamil Nadu, Kerala, and Karnataka. The NIA team is conducting inspections at 17 locations, including Bengaluru and Chennai cities.
The investigation is related to a conspiracy case involving terrorist activities in Bengaluru jail. The raid is taking place in connection with case involving the accused Thadiyantavida Nazeer.
In 2023, the Central Crime Branch team arrested a five-member gang that planned to carry out bomb blasts in Bengaluru. The investigation team found that they had been trained by Thadiyantavida Nazeer in jail.
The NIA also found that a transaction of Rs 1 lakh was made from the Gulf through Nazeer’s bank account. In the raid conducted in Chennai, the NIA has arrested two accused individuals, Thamim Ashok and Hasan Ali.
In a raid conducted in Bengaluru city last July, the investigation team found several weapons, including explosive materials.