Vijayawada. In view of the damage caused by the first and second Covid waves, the Arogya Raksha Samiti, Vijayawada has been carrying out various activities from now on. As part of this, Arogya Raksha Samiti conducted training sessions for 170 teachers on precautions to prevent Corona. Mangalagiri Aims Dr. Dhanraj, Arogya Bharati State President Dr. P.S. Rao participated in this training session. They Explained about the treatment and precautions to be taken in case of Covid and how to give oxygen to those who need it? How to use Oxygen Concentrator? They explained things like…. They also explained how to use medical devices such as pulse oximeter and thermal meter etc.
Awareness Movement (Jana Jagaran Udyamam) in each and every village
Representatives of the Arogya Raksha Samiti, Vijayawada, said that a “Jana Jagaran movement” would be launched in each and every village in the district from the 1st to the 7th of this month. They said that they will explain the public about the dangers posed by the third wave in each and every Village. They would explain the precautions to be taken to prevent the Covid and the treatment to be taken if it occurs and the precautions to be taken. Representatives of the Arogya Raksha Samiti explained that they will also provide a pamphlet with full details to each and every house.