The Kannur Town police have taken a person into custody in the case related to the burning of a train coach. One bogie of the Alappuzha-Kannur Executive Express was completely gutted in the arson attack, which occurred just 100 meters away from the fuel storage facility of BPCL.
The person in custody is reported to have started a fire besides the station previously also. The police arrested the person after receiving statements that he was seen near the railway track. The police is questioning the suspect.
The police rounded up the suspect after going through CCTV footage, in which a person is seeing walking towards the train with a can. The general compartment of the Alappuzha-Kannur train was completely destroyed in the fire attack. The incident occurred around 1.30 am on June 1. The train was located on the eighth track from the platform after all the passengers had disembarked.