Kasaragod, Kerala. NIA has initiated a probe into the case involving the Kanhangad Youth League’s ‘anti-Hindu’ death sloganeering. A formal case is expected to be registered shortly. The NIA is currently conducting an in-depth investigation to identify and examine all individuals who participated in the demonstration. The seriousness of the incident has prompted the NIA to approach the matter with utmost gravity and diligence.
In response to the raising of religious slogans, public calls for killing, and incitement to riots during the youth league demonstration, NIA has assumed responsibility for the investigation. This matter has gained significant attention at the national level, prompting national investigation agencies, including the NIA, to take it seriously. As a result, the NIA has commenced a comprehensive and detailed investigation into the incident.
Following the incident, an immediate decision was taken to register the case, prompting NIA to arrive at the scene and collect footage of the demonstration. The NIA has taken a proactive approach, opting to conduct a thorough investigation into the involvement of approximately three hundred individuals who participated in the demonstration.
While the Kerala Police attempted to treat the incident as isolated, the unexpected intervention of the NIA investigation came as a surprise. The NIA has made a decisive move to investigate such occurrences in Kerala, with a commitment to closing all potential loopholes. Their proactive stance aims to address and thoroughly investigate similar incidents in the region.