A group of seven students from Thiruvananthapuram Government Medical College has addressed a letter to the principal, expressing concerns about the prohibition of wearing hijab inside the operation theatre. They have requested permission to wear long-sleeved scrub jackets and surgical hoods, citing their religious beliefs. The letter, signed by one student from the 2020 MBBS batch and six students from the 2018, 2021, and 2022 batches, highlights the challenges faced by hijab-wearing women in maintaining religious compliance and modesty while adhering to hospital regulations.
Dr. Linette J Morris, the college principal, acknowledged receiving the letter and discussed the practicalities involved. She explained that wearing long sleeves and hoods might not be feasible in the long run due to the need for proper scrubbing procedures and adherence to universal standards for maintaining a sterile environment. Dr. Morris emphasised the importance of patient safety and stated that a committee comprising surgeons and infection control experts would be convened to address the matter and consider both perspectives.
It is worth noting that the students’ demand seems to be influenced by the ‘Hijab in OR’ movement initiated by Deena Kishawi, a Muslim physician based in Chicago.