New Delhi. NIA on Monday released five videos and sought the help of the general public in identifying individuals involved in the violent protests there in March this year. The nearly two-hour-long footage from CCTVs was posted by the NIA on its website and the link was shared on its official Twitter handle while urging people to provide any information regarding the persons seen in the videos to the agency.
The NIA said in a statement that the CCTV footage of the attack by anti-national elements on the High Commission of India in London on March 19 this year has been uploaded.
“All the members of the public are requested to provide any information regarding the persons seen in the footage to the NIA in public interest,” the statement said, adding the information would be kept secret. The agency also provided a WhatsApp number +917290009373 for conveying the information.
This comes after a team of the NIA visited London to get details of the case besides interacting with officials of Scotland Yard, officials in know of the developments said. The agency took over the probe from the Special Cell of the Delhi Police which had registered a case under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act and the Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act as it involves illegal activities carried out by certain people holding Indian nationality abroad.
Pro-Khalistani protestors tried to vandalise the Indian High Commission in London and pulled down the national flag while holding protests outside the High Commission complex on March 19. It happened a day after Punjab Police launched a crackdown against radical preacher Amritpal Singh in Punjab. The Counter-Terrorism and Counter Radicalisation unit of the Ministry of Home Affairs had handed over the case to the NIA and the decision was taken after Union Home Secretary Ajay Bhalla held a meeting with representatives of the British government in April this year.