Karnataka Minister G Parameshwara made a controversial remark on Hindu religion by stating, “There is still a question mark on who founded the Hindu Dharma.”
Extending the support to the Tamil Nadu Sports Minister Udhayanidhi Stalin, Karnataka Home Minister G Parameshwara for vote appesment jump into the controversy by rasing question on the origin of Hinduism.
While making a controversial remark on the Hindu religion, the Karnataka minister blantly said, “There is still a question mark on who founded the Hindu Dharma. ”
“In the history of world there are many religions. When was Hindu religion founded and who gave birth to Hinduism is still a question mark and has continued to remain a question,” said Parameshwara.
The state Home Minister’s remarks came while he was addressing an event on the occasion of the Teachers’ Day at Maruti Kalyana Mandapam, Koratagere.
He added, “Our country has a history of the origin of Buddhism and Jainism…Islam and Christianity came to our country from abroad. The summary of all the religions of the world is to be good for one mankind.”
He further said that several religions have emerged in the history of this universe but the question mark on Hinduism remains till today. Talking about Buddhism, Jainism, Islam and Christianity, the Congress leader stressed these religions came to India “to do good for mankind.”
It may be noted that DMK leader Udhayanidhi’s remark on Sanatana Dharma sparked massive controversy across the nation with several BJP leaders and Hindu priests strongly criticising his statement. The BJP has demanded an apology from MK Stalin’s son. Leaders from the saffron party have also blamed the INDIA bloc for Udhayanidhi’s remark, claiming such an agenda was discussed during the recent meeting that was held in Mumbai.
Meanwhile, MK Stalin’s son, stood by his grounds saying that he would repeat the same thing again. Stalin, on Tuesday, said that he was not against the Hindu religion but the Sanatana practices like caste discrimination.