Thiruvananthapuram – Despite written approval, police attempt to stop RSS Sanghik
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
The RSS had scheduled a Sanghik (combined Shakha gathering) at the Kallikkat Gram Panchayat stadium in Thiruvananthapuram on September 29.
In recent developments, RSS swayamsevaks had secured permission from the Panchayat authorities well in advance. However, when the police arrived to prevent the event, RSS members presented the written permission issued by the Panchayat, along with the receipt for the payment made for renting the premises. Despite this, the police did not relent, claiming that the Panchayat had revoked the permission for the programme.
In response, the RSS swayamsevaks conducted a Path Sanchalan (march) from the stadium premises to Kallikkat Junction, with a police team leading and another following the procession. Just as the march began, heavy rain started to pour, but the swayamsevaks, maintaining Sangh discipline, continued their march undeterred.
RSS members alleged that the CPM and DYFI were behind the police’s actions. Although the police stated that the Panchayat Secretary had cancelled the permission, the swayamsevaks had received no official communication to that effect. This led them to believe that the police were simply following orders from their political superiors.
The swayamsevaks organize Sanghiks in the run-up to Vijaya Dashami to practice Path Sanchalans and Vyayam-yogs for the celebration. Vijaya Dashami marks the founding day of the RSS, and swayamsevaks showcase their physical capabilities during these celebrations.
The communist government in Kerala has long held an anti-RSS stance, consistently attempting to intimidate the organization and its affiliates in their day-to-day activities. Despite the Left’s claims of being champions of tolerance, freedom of expression, and equality, their actions reveal a glaring hypocrisy. While they preach these values, they systematically target and suppress the RSS, an organization rooted in national cause and discipline.