In the aftermath of the devastating landslides in the Wayanad district of Kerala, the selfless acts of two young men Prajeesh (36) and Sarath (29) have left an indelible mark in the society. Both Swayamsevak from Meppadi gram Panchayat, embodied the true spirit of service and sacrifice.
On the fateful night, as the first landslide struck, Prajeesh and Sarath fearlessly evacuated hundreds of people to safe places. Responding to distress calls from the worst hit Vellarmala school road near Chooralmala town, they bravely ventured out to rescue more people. Tragically a second landslide filled the two brave souls before they could reach those in need.
Their ultimate sacrifice has left their families and community in mourning. Prajeesh who lost his father at his early age was the sole breadwinner for his mother and elder brother. Sarath too, was the primary caregiver for his elderly parents. Their departure has created a vacuum that can never be filled.
Prajeesh and Sarath’s selfless act will always be remembered as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Their dedication to serve others even in the face of danger is a testament to their strong values and ethos.
As a tribute to these brave hearts, we will continue the legacy of their unselfish and exemplary service to the society. This sacrifice will undoubtedly hold the heads of the Samaj and organisation high forever, reminding us of the true meaning of courage and selflessness.
Prajeesh & Sarath
Sarathbabu, S/o Murugan, SR Estate, Chooralmala – 673577
Dob – 08/08/1995
Job- Textile Shop Employee
Prajeesh, S/o Ramani, Thottikal (H), Vellarmala po, Chooralmala – 673577
Dob – 01/03/1988
Job – Jeep driver