Guwahati. Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohan Bhagwat Ji asked the people to use the word “Bharat”. He was speaking at an event in Bhagwan Mahavir Dharamshala in Guwahati.
He arrived for a three-day visit to Guwahati on September 1, 2023. Speaking at the Jain Samaj function, he said, “We all should stop using the word India and start using Bharat.” He further said, “special names don’t change while talking to English speakers. For example, the name Gopal will not change when it is said in English. We have several cities in the country whose names have been there for ages. Likewise, we don’t need to say India while talking to people from foreign countries. We must use Bharat.”
Sarsanghchalak Ji further said that anywhere we go, we must say only Bharat. If somebody doesn’t understand, let him be. He will understand when he needs to do so.
If someone does not understand there is nothing to worry about. It is that person who needs to understand and we do not need to make him understand. We are self-reliant and independent.
“Today the whole world needs us, nobody can ignore us today. We take along everyone because this is our culture and spirituality. We consider the whole world as one. We can go alone but we take everyone along with us, because we think the whole world is our own. This is our knowledge and today the entire world needs this knowledge,” RSS Sarsanghchalak added.
Dr. Mohan Bhagwat Ji said, “when everyone wants a change and behaves for the change and is willing to sacrifice then only change comes”. “We will learn several languages but will not forget our mother tongue. In our families, children do not know to count in Hindi or Assamese nowadays. We must ensure that our children learn all other languages but at home he or she uses our mother tongue only. This way we will make our society strong and our Bharat strong”.