Anandi Gopal from unpublished sources – This book was published in 1997 by Bharatiya Itihas Sankalan Samiti. The Samiti collected more than 100 letters written by Dr Anandi mainly to her husband Shri Gopalrao, her brother, eminent personalities like Pandita Ramabai, Mrs Carpenter who was first to respond positively to the appeal made by Anandibai for support, her friends, and the Dewan of Kolhapur.
Reading her last letter of request for an extension of the joining date with the allowance makes one extremely emotional, she could live hardly for a month after it.)
Dr Anandibai and Gopalrao’s safely returned to India probably in 1886. She was offered jobs by many hospitals. Some letters are available, many people wrote to her to enquire about her health too. She stayed in America, which was a totally alien land with different cultures, food habits, and harsh climate, it took a toll on her health.
A letter from Adyar- Madras, dated 15/12/1886,The Theosophical society Secretary’s office, is available. The Caste Ghosh Hospital offered her RS 400 a month,the working hours were from 6-7 am to 11 am. In four years the salary was to be raised to RS 500.
There is a letter written to Dr Lara from Philadelphia by Mr H.E.M. Jones to suggest some lady doctor to work for the Victoria Jubilee female dispensary, Ahmedabad. The salary considered was between 200 to 300 RS.
Probably there might have been more offers and requests to Dr Anandibai for work ,but only these letters are available.
She accepted the offer by Kolhapur Dewan,Khan Bahadur . She communicated in the letter written on 26/01/1887 that as she was not in a condition to join immediately so she requested for extension of two months to join the duties.
She earnestly put forth her inability to join but urged the authority for extension with allowance.
” I therefore hope that the council of administration will kindly reconsider the matter,as financially I am very much strained.” She was confined to her bed for several months. ” I shall be placed in very great difficulties for want of funds. ” This was the final favour she expected, she ‘ventured’ to make such request as she was completely confined to bed.
The letter by Diwan of Kolhapur Shri M Kuvarji, conveyed her the inability to continue her allowance during the extended period of two months. The date of the letter was 20/01/1887.