Zanzibar, July 07: In a veiled attack on China, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has said that, unlike “some” other countries, India is not “an extractive economy” and it was not pursuing “narrow economic activities” in the resource-rich African continent.
Jaishankar, who arrived here on Thursday after visiting Zanzibar, made these remarks while addressing the Indian community in Dar-es-Salaam city of Tanzania.
While addressing the community, he said, “Today we want to see Africa grow. We want to see African economies grow. And our approach to Africa today is to trade more with Africa, invest in Africa, work with Africa, to create capacities in Africa, so that the rise of Africa also takes place as countries like India are rising in Asia.” “We are not here as an extractive economy. We are not here in the manner in which a lot of other countries are there for very narrow economic objectives. For us, this is a broader, deeper partnership,” Jaishankar said, in an apparent reference to China’s forays, including those of its military, into Africa.
China established its first overseas military support base in Djibouti in Africa in 2015, as part of Beijing’s plan to project its military power beyond the Asia-Pacific. Chinese companies are also actively engaged in exploiting the region’s precious mineral resources.
“Had a lively interaction with members of the Indian community in Dar es Salaam. Stressed the importance of Mission IT (India & Tanzania). Highlighted the strong India-Africa connection, especially our deep links with East Africa; Heart of India and Tanzania ties is the solidarity of spirit and mutuality of interests,” Jaishankar tweeted.
“Recognised that the Indian community is an expression, contributor and force of this relationship; Explained how India and Tanzania’s friendship is making a difference in the lives of the average Tanzanian. Our water projects will benefit 8 million; With 750 slots annually,” he tweeted.
Tanzania is India’s largest African partner in training and capacity building. “The Indian community had historically been a source of strength for the relationship. As our ties expand, so will their role,” he tweeted.