New Delhi. NIA on Wednesday filed its chargesheet against 12 accused, including foreign-based designated individual terrorist Goldy Barar and several prominent gangsters, involved in the shocking murder of Karni Sena chief Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi in Rajasthan in December 2023.
NIA investigations have revealed the notorious terrorist-gangster syndicate behind the killing of Gogamedi, who was shot dead in the living room of his house in Shyam Nagar colony in Jaipur. Two others, namely Naveen Shekhawat and Ajeet Singh, were killed and Gogamedi’s gunman, Narender Singh, was injured in the gruesome attack.
Moving swiftly with its investigations in the case, NIA arrested eight persons for their involvement in the conspiracy to kill Gogamedi. Four others are still absconding, including gangsters Mahendra Kumar, Ravataram Swami @ Rohit Godara, and Virendra Charan, as well as Satwinder Singh @ Goldy Barar.
In its chargesheet filed before the NIA Special Court, Jaipur, the NIA has charged all the 12 identified accused, belonging to Rajasthan, Haryana and Punjab, under various sections of IPC, Arms Act and UA(P) Act.
NIA investigations have revealed that accused Ravataram Swami @ Rohit Godara was the mastermind who had hatched the murder conspiracy along with accused Virendra Charan, Satwinder Singh @ Goldy Barar and others. After the murder, accused Rohit Godara and Goldy Brar accepted the responsibility of the murder and used it to threaten and extort money from other individuals.
The two assailants, identified as Rohit Rathore and Nitin, had received pistols along with several rounds and magazines for carrying out the attack on 5th December 2023. While fleeing Gogamedi’s house, the duo had also attacked an i-10 car and a scooty rider and used his scooty to escape. Accused Mahendra Kumar and his wife co-accused Puja Saini had harboured Nitin before the murder.
Rahul had taken the help of accused Bhawani Singh to hire the services of Nitin Fauji for the attack. Bhawani was provided weapons and shelter by one Ashok Kumar, as per NIA investigations.
It was accused Udham Singh who, along with Bhawani Singh and Rahul, had sent Nitin to Jaipur for executing the plan. Accused Rambeer had given shelter to Nitin despite knowing of his involvement in another arms case.