New Delhi. Vishva Hindu Parishad, alarmed by the horrible incidents of non-stop attacks on and persecution of Hindus and other minorities in Bangladesh, called on the Home Minister of Bharat, Amit Shah and requested him for immediate indispensable action for the safety and security of the beleaguered communities in our neighboring country!
After the meeting, the Central Secretary General of VHP Bajrang Bagra said that VHP President Advocate Alok Kumar and I myself met the Union Home Minister Amit Shah and apprised him of the agony and distress of the Hindu society of Bharat over the murders, arson and other forms of inhuman persecution of Hindus and other minorities in Bangladesh and demanded immediate necessary action from the Home Minister for the safety and security of minorities in that country!
Bagra said that the Home Minister informed about the action taken by his government in this direction and said that the government is taking necessary action in this matter with full sensitivity and seriousness. Prime Minister has also raised the issue of safety of Hindus in his congratulatory message sent to the head of the interim government formed there. The action on the safety of all Bharatiya citizens, including students, has been ensured and as much action as possible has been taken by establishing constant contact with the officials there on the safety of Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and Christian minorities and their places of worship. The Home Minister has expressed hope that as the head of the interim government has not denied the incidents of persecution of Hindu minorities, he will take appropriate action to control the perpetrators immediately.
In this regard, Vishwa Hindu Parishad has also decided to establish an emergency helpline. Its number will soon be released.